Saturday, 19 January 2013

Wintery scene at the construction site

Managed to visit the site on a very snowy day.  There were a few changes to report.   At the Cadwell Lane end there was drainage work underway next to the River Hiz bridge.  At the end of Wilbury Way, there were lengths of welded rail visible on the embankment waiting for the visit of the track-layer in February.  They were delivered this week by train using the new Hitchin North Junction onto the 200m. or so of track laid on the link from the ECML and the start of the viaduct. They were then pulled around the chord by excavator.  The track-laying train is scheduled to visit over three days, Sunday 10th to Tuesday 12th February.  The work will be carried out mainly during the night so will try and get some shots if I can. There was no activity today whatsoever due to the weather.  Hope this does not continue and impact on the completion date.
First picture shows the new length of track laid laid on to the short length of embankment between the ECML and the viaduct.  Taken from Bury Mead Road looking across the Anglian Water STW.
 A closer look shows the ends of the sleepers more clearly.
 Frozen drainage work along side the embankment.

 Pump being used to remove water from the trench 
 Next to it a very large bore drainage pipe.
 Looking from the other side by the scrapyard entrance.
 Looking north from the same spot, more materials for the drainage work is stored next to the dumper. Guard rail work has been completed here since my last visit at the end of December.
 It looks as if some landscaping work has been recently carried out here at the end of the viaduct.
More drainage supplies here as well.  New scaffolding access has been installed.  This is the far side of the scrapyard.  Guard rail work not finished here.
Zooming out from the same spot.
 Looking across the bleak scene at the Bury Mead Springs conservation area.
 Looking south towards the scrapyard.  I am sure the dead tree has moved closer, maybe getting a better look!
 Wintery view through the viaduct to the new junction.
Turning right a view across the frozen waste that I struggled to navigate today because of the water/ice filled tracks left by a large vehicle that accessed the area through a new hole in the fence seen below.

 A First Hull train heads north about to pass under the viaduct.
 Here you can just make out two of the concrete pads used to support the crane.
A final winter scene shot of the viaduct.
 Looking from the end of Wilbury Way, lengths of rail await the track-laying machine.
This is the extent of the rail with the snow covered chalk quarry behind.  The machine that will be used is a New Track Construction Machine.  This runs on caterpillar tracks at the front guided by an operator.  It drops sleepers at regular intervals fed by a conveyor which is in turn supplied by a self powered gantry that brings sleepers from the rear of the train.  The laid out rail is drawn in to the machine and dropped onto the chairs.  The rest of the train then runs on the track it has just laid.  It is an incredibly fast and slick operation.  Hopefully I will get some shots and maybe a video of it in operation.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

First report of 2013

Again not a lot to report.  There was a considerable amount of activity along the former Bedford line embankment all week with machinery and construction workers moving back and forwards from the the former goods yard in Nightingale Road and the new Hitchin North Junction.  The work site and the west side of the main line has been scaled down considerably.  The site offices have gone and with them the generator that was always running.  There does not appear to be any access to the viaduct at this side now.  There still remain some guardrails to be installed here and on the link from the main line to the embankment.

 Site offices gone.  Guard rail still not installed along the walkway at this point.
 This is where the offices were located.  No guard rail at all here where the signalling equipment will be located.
Looking down from the higher ground.  Site is being tidied up.  I guess as soon as the weather permits they will landscape this area.
This shot was taken from the end of Wilbury Way.  Couple of new additions to the viaduct.  Not sure what they are for,  Apologies for the quality but the light was fading.
This shot shows the netting that has be added to the embankment this week along the whole length.
 Netting not quite reached the end.
 Permanent access staircase with security camera keeping an eye on the viaduct.
 I took this from the corner of the Centre Three car park.  This is the closest point to the new new embankment as it skirts around the end of the Wilbury Way industrial area.  There is a drainage ditch running along the edge of the car park.  The new culvert is just a bit too high at the moment to take the water from it.
 Looking to the right from the same spot, the embankment with its recently added netting heads towards the Cambridge branch.
 Finally a couple of closer shots of the quarry where the material for the embankment was taken