Sunday 15 July 2012

News from the east

.......from the east side of the main line that is!  Work to remove chalk from Wilbury Hill has continued and the embankment construction has stepped up a gear.  It appears that a membrane with a level of gravel has been laid over the entire length.  Chalk has been tipped over a larger area although not to any great height yet.  The impact on the hill is quite noticeable though as the first photo shows.  The row of viaduct support piers has extended almost to the edge of the redundant sewage treatment works and another section of viaduct has been lifted into place on this side of the main line.

Chalk removal continues. 
End of future embankment just before the former sewage treatment works.  Membrane and gravel in place.

Line of viaduct supports in the former sewage treatment works.

 And further on meeting up with the new section of viaduct.
 Middle section of the future embankment with chalk laid down. Top right is the farm bridge and top centre is the first section of chalk but with no apparent change from two weeks ago.
Farmer's accommodation underbridge with just the wing walls to be added.  This gives us a good indication of the height of the embankment.


  1. As a native of Hertfordshire currently resident in the Midlands, your blog, with its great pictures, is an excellent way to keep up to date with this important piece of new rail infrastructure. Keep up the good work and thank you!

  2. I am also a resident of Hitchin, but not able due to shift work to get down to the area to see what is going on. A bBig thankyou from me. Keep up your excellent photos.

    Steve B

  3. Many thanks to both of you, I am glad my efforts are appreciated!
